Live TV
Watch HQ 150+ Indian TV Channels Live, from anywhere in the world. We cover 10 major Indian languages: Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Oriya and Bhojpuri.
We bring to you Live channels and also catch up channels, delayed as per your time zone. Currently we provide USA (CST), UK and Indian time zone channels.

We understand that you might miss your favorite programs due to other commitments so we have made VODs (pre-recorded videos) available on the cloud, for the last 10 days which you can watch anytime at your own convenience.

TV Shows
We know you don't like to press so many buttons on the remote to watch latest episodes of your favorite TV programs.
We have made it very simple for you. With just few clicks, you can select the show you want to watch under a particular language and get all its episodes, back to back on your TV Screen.

YuppTV has recently introduced a new feature "Live Events". You never know, you may find your local community event happening LIVE on your TV Screen.
We also bring you the opportunity to share those special moments LIVE with your loved ones who lives back in India or moments which you might miss due to other commitments. To book your Live Broadcast call our customer support today.

Surfing the internet was never so much fun! With YuppTV dongle, you can browse through the internet and access your emails, social networking sites, watch videos online...and a lot more on your tv screen!