NTV Live

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The host sheds light on the biggest developments that have taken place internationally and locally and also features interviews of experts and famous personalities.

Regional Telugu news channel NTV was founded in India and started airing in 2007. One of the most popular regional channels, NTV airs 24 hours a day in many countries. You may get the most recent news from India and around the globe from NTV Telugu, including coverage of politics, current affairs, cricket, sports, business, and movies.

One of the most-watched Telugu news channels, NTV brings engaging and innovative programs like News 360, Off the Record, Hello Doctor, and Movie Mixture. The channel offers news all through the day on politics, health, science, technology, sports, education, and entertainment. Get the latest updates, breaking news, and today`s headlines from both Telugu states, India and the world. Enjoy watching unlimited news online at your convenience now.

NTV News is accessible in every country and is viewable on smart TVs and smartphones. America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe, New Zealand, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates all have access to NTV.